
Clubs and Fisheries Resources

The Angling Trust’s Clubs and Fisheries Resources page provides essential information for clubs and fisheries carrying out activities to run their operations safely. All the information is free to download. We have also included a link to the Virtual Fisheries Forum’s “Guide to Health & Safety Requirements for Projects and Working Parties” and the Q&A session that followed.

If your club or fishery is not a member of the Angling Trust and would like to find out more about the benefits of becoming a member – including our industry-leading member club and fishery insurance package – visit our Membership section or call us on 0343 5077 006.

Take a look at how we can help you

This Clubs & Fisheries Handbook outlines how the Angling Trust can support you through advice, resources, and practical help. Much of our work to support clubs and fisheries is assisted with funding from fishing licence income through our contract delivery with the Environment Agency. However, many other ways we engage with clubs is funded through membership fees paid by clubs, fisheries, organisations, angling trade partners and individuals, including our fight against pollution, over-abstraction, angling bans and other threats to our sport.



Clubs & Fisheries Downloads


Virtual Fisheries Forum:

Guide to Health & Safety Requirements for Projects and Working Parties


Safeguarding: step-by-step guide for Clubs, Fisheries and Federations


The welfare of your members is paramount. While many Clubs, Fisheries and Federations already have safeguarding policies and procedures in place, your organisation may need to adopt additional policies and procedures to ensure that your insurance conditions are fully met, particularly regarding safeguarding of a young person or an adult at risk.

Remember, a young person is classed as anyone under 18 years of age and an adult at risk is a person who is over 18 years and at risk of abuse or neglect because of their needs for care or support. These are not often easily identifiable, so it is important to have policies and procedures in place that cover all eventualities and to inform your members about the steps you have taken.

In the event of claim under the Abuse element of your inclusive members insurance package, insurers are likely to request sight of your safeguarding policy and enquire as to the safeguards your club had in place to protect your members and the actions your club undertook once the matter was reported to you. A visible safeguarding policy, a Welfare Officer accessible to members and a documented audit trail of how the incident was then dealt with will be key in demonstrating that the club acted appropriately and will ultimately aid the insurers in dealing with the claim.

Below is a simple step-by-step guide to assist your Club, Fishery or Federation to ensure you adopt Safeguarding policies and procedures to protect the welfare of anglers.


Further information:

For larger clubs, a full role description and guide for Club Welfare Officers plus additional training and guidance will be available soon. Further information is available from the Angling Trust Safeguarding Team, please email: [email protected]


Training and guidance for safeguarding children and young people – click here

Training and guidance for safeguarding adults at risk – click here


Time To Listen, online training for Club Welfare Officers is available from:

UK Coaching

Sport Structures

Angling Trust launches Water Quality Monitoring Network


The Angling Trust Water Quality Monitoring Network was launched in May 2022 as part of our Anglers Against Pollution campaign to engage anglers and angling clubs in better understanding pollution issues on their waters.

The initial pilot project focused on the River Severn catchment and was rolled out nationally just two months later. It now has the support of over 100 clubs.

The findings from water quality tests taken by club volunteers will help the Angling Trust hold the government to account, ensuring it lives up to its rhetoric on improving our environment and meeting its own legal responsibilities, and support local initiatives to restore our rivers to a healthy state.

The initiative is supported financially by Orvis UK and APTUS Tackle and the “Big Yellow Boxes” are supplied by Flambeau Outdoors. If your club would like to get involved, please contact [email protected]


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